Welcome! My name Steve Goers, aka “Secure Steve”. I started SecureSteve.com because I regularly come across very useful and practical security related information, and I wanted an opportunity to share it. Also, there are times when people have questions, and I wanted an effective avenue to provide helpful answers.
It is sad to say, but in the enterprise world, humans are considered the most vulnerable vector of breaching an organization. The number one way of combating this situation is education. Most often a situation becomes vulnerable simply due to a lack of education or understanding, not due to malicious intent. There’s also expected to be a three million person shortage in cybersecurity professionals by 2020. (Update, this blog is now a couple of years old!) We’ve made it to 202x, and there continues to be a cybersecurity person shortage.
I’ve started this blog to assist with that education. I also want to create an arena where anyone feels welcome to ask questions – whether you have 100 years of IT experience, 100 years of life experience, or are learning to count to 100.
I have a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, from the University of Minnesota. Since 2005, I have worked in the IT and cyber security industry, providing solutions for some of the largest companies and organizations in the world.
I am married with one son, and reside in lovely Minnesota. In the summertime I enjoy boating, biking, and really anything outside. In the wintertime, I enjoy snowboarding, a warm fire, and bourbon.
Thank you for all of your support, and I look forward to serving this community as effectively as possible!
-Secure Steve
Follow me on Twitter: @SecureSteveG
Follow me on Instagram: @SecureSteve
Follow me on Facebook: m.me/SecureSteve
Follow me on LinkedIn: secsteve.io/GoersLinkedIn
Or, please feel free to get in touch via any other mechanism available to you. (I have spotty responses to carrier pigeons, however.)