You want to travel?  Planning tips for one year, to one minute, prior to departure.

You want to travel? Planning tips for one year, to one minute, prior to departure.

2019-04-01 0 By SecureSteve

Whether you’re going on a bear hunt, going to Grandma’s house, going abroad, or don’t even know where you’re going, it never hurts to be prepared.  Some may even say it might keep you safe and secure, of which I am a big fan of.

I’m actually writing this list, in part, as a reminder to myself. Take a look at these suggestions, and leave your own as well.  What do you like to do to prepare for a trip, and to be safe and secure?

One year prior to departure

  • Plan out a couple of destinations.  They don’t have to be expansive or expensive, but plan a couple of larger trips to have on the calendar.  It can give you some extra motivation to power through some of the low times of the year.  Don’t know where to go?  Start simple – such as going to Google Flights.  Pop in your home airport, don’t specify a destination, and just search.  Your heart and your wallet can align to get you to an awesome destination.
  • Check that your passport is actually still current.  Many countries won’t allow entrance if there is less than six months remaining on validity.  If you are a US citizen, you can Apply for or Renew your Passport here.
  • Go to the doctor and get a physical.  It’s tougher to have fun, and be safe and secure, if you’re not healthy.  Here are 10 questions to ask your doctor during your physical to ensure you get the most out of it!

One month prior to departure

  • Update your vaccinations.  They say once you go vax, you’ll never go, umm anti-vax?  Just don’t be anti-vax.  It’s just not cool.  The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has some excellent resources and health advisories.  Browse for and check your your destination here.
  • Submit your PTO at work.  My company required a minimum of two weeks notification for PTO.  Sometimes in all of the hoopla, I forget to tell the one organization that entitles my livelihood.
  • Consider third-party travel insurance outside of what is offered by the airline.  Travel insurance, even for trips abroad, is very reasonable.  Third party insurance can cover extremes, including things like emergency medical evacuation, flight scheduling on any airline, and additional emergency services.  I personally have had very good success with AIG Travel Guard.  (No sponsorship was provided by this service)
  •  Plan for your pets.  My pets are a constant in my world.  They are there when I leave for work, and when I get home.  They are there through good times and bad, sickness and health.  They are there all of the time, and sometimes I forget to plan for their care until it is shortly before the departure time!  I’m lucky that I have some family and friends that can help to watch them, but many of us will have to take them to pet day care.  Plan ahead!
  • Prep your home.  Stop your mail, notify your neighbors, etc.  Take a look at my post with four things to do at home before traveling.

One week prior to departure

  • Make a list of things to bring.  Include things to bring on the flight and in your suitcase.  Also consider items that can be purchased at your final destination, to save space and hassle.
  • Get your laundry done. This ensures you can bring everything you want on your trip, and makes coming home a little easier.  Busy week?  Try a laundry service at your dry cleaner.   Many will wash, dry, and fold, for just pennies per pound.
  • Make copies of critical documents.  This list can include things like your passport, credit cards, travel itinerary, health insurance, etc.
  • Note down critical contact names, numbers, and emails.  Include your various airlines, and government consulate details.
  • If traveling abroad, consider registering your travel at the consulate website.  The United States has the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, to make it free, easy, and simple.
  • Select just a couple of credit cards, and submit a travel itinerary if necessary.  Many credit cards today don’t require a travel itinerary, but many debit cards still do.
  • Buy a lock for your luggage.  Be sure it is TSA approved, but this provides an extra layer of safety.
  • Schedule your Out of Office message at work.  Know who to point your customers to in case of issues or emergencies.

One day prior to departure

  • Check your list.  Pack any last minute items, but begin to feel fully prepared to enjoy your travel.
  • Check into your airline or fuel up your ride.  You are getting so close!
  • Get a good night’s sleep.  This goes without saying, but you want to make sure you start the trip off feeling as refreshed as possible. has 20 Simple Ways to Fall Asleep as Fast as Possible.

One hour prior to departure

  • Final check of the big three – phone, wallet, keys.  If this needs further explanation, I’m not the resource to help.
  • Assemble the Troops!  If you are a troop of one, consider having a cocktail.  You’re (dang near) finally on vacation!!
  • Order your rideshare if needed.  I love Uber and Lyft.

One minute prior to departure

  • What are you doing still reading this blog?? You’ve got a trip to get to!  Have fun, and be safe and secure!