SecureSteve QuBIT – “Cleaning Up a Definition of Basic Cyber Hygiene”
Title: “Cleaning Up a Definition of Basic Cyber Hygiene”
Author: Tony Sagar
SecureSteve Qubit:
I absolutely love the premise of the article, and the guidance it provides. In a way, we all “know” what the word “hygiene” means. How it applies to our cyber jobs often times is affiliated with a list with a title of “when I have time, I’ll get to this stuff”.
Tony Sagar in this article calls out CIS Implementation Group 1 (IG1). I was not originally familiar with many of the specifics, even though I had quoted “CIS, NIST, etc” so many times in my generic conversations. So, I had to relook. That is OK to do in cyber.
What struck me when taking a look through Implementation Group 1 (IG1) was how many things were “free”. As in, they do not require a new software purchase, but generally take advantage of existing implemented technologies. That’s HUGE in today’s “Software cyber security silver bullet carousel” marketplace.
I think the key recommendation for me, is to take some time – focus on the non-sexy, non-flashy cleanup tasks. Focus on that “rainy day” list of things on the back burner. If you’re an executive, ask your team about this list. If you’re an individual contributor, draft up a rough plan on what it would take to address that list. You’ll likely get exactly what you need.