Getting back to it.

Getting back to it.

2021-11-14 0 By SecureSteve

Well, it has been “a minute” since I’ve actually published a post. It’s amazing how time creeps up on you, even in a pandemic. It also is crazy how life just gets away from you. It’s not unusual.

Supporters, friends, colleagues, and the world, just… Thank YOU! From the bottom of my heart, to everyone who has been a part of the journey, I thank you. I can say I would not be here today without the support I have received. It’s truly a blessing.

A Couple of Updates

I’ve reorganized a couple of things on the page. I’ve consolidated the categories of what used to be “Security News” and “Softer Side of Security” with the simple “Security Potpourri”. It likely will become my dumping ground of various items, but I wanted a spot just to put “whatever”.

Since the most recent post on this page, I’ve gotten a new job. I’m currently in professional bliss right now. Feel free to find out more on LinkedIn.

An emphasis on Respect and Empathy

If I’ve learned anything recently, or even over my lifetime, it is that everyone is dealing with their own $#it. We’ve all got a lot on our plate, and we will NEVER fully know what is on anyone else’s plate. This blog will make an emphasis to ensure the content is respectful. If there is ever a concern, please reach out.

At the end of the day, there are really just two things that make us all the same. We are all humans, and we all really really want to subscribe to




Featured Image CreditPhoto by  Suparerg Suksai  on  Scopio