Password Strength – Did you know it can be easy to make it hard?
2019-10-11Many of us do one of two things with passwords. We either…
…use the same variation of a password we remember…
…use a password manager and make our passwords super complex.
Personally, as a computer user in corporate America, I dread the day I begin getting prompted to change my corporate password. I also wait until the last possible change to do it, because that is just who I am. It also seems like the “complexity requirements” increase with each iteration. (One upper case, two lower case, three special characters, four letters you’d never use in your life, five wingdings, and… it must not be the same as the previous password… sigh…)
Password Strength – An “Infographic”
The geniuses of xkcd have created a nice infographic showing he current issue with password complexity, and a simple solution for many users.

Somehow seems too simple, right? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!